
Flea Treatment & Control

Flea Treatment & Control

Dog fleas look almost the same as cat fleas, but they are not as common. While that may be an interesting bit of information, our dogs and cats contract fleas in the same way:

New Hawaii Tax Rules

New Hawaii Tax Rules

Hawaii & Kauai County 2019 Tax Increases For those that may not have heard, the State of Hawaii released two taxation announcements on September 27, 2018. One of these announcements – Department of Taxation Announcement No. 2018-14 – pertains to Kauai...

Holiday Safety

Holiday Safety

Did you know that between 2012 and 2016, our U.S. firemen and women responded to an average 170 home fires (per year) that started with a Christmas tree?

Hawaii Stink Bugs

Hawaii Stink Bugs

Ever heard of a stink bug? Well, there are a number of varieties of stink bugs, but basically they are all smaller than a penny with a shield-like shape that helps to deter predators.

Sentricon® vs. Termidor®

Sentricon® vs. Termidor®

There are a number of factors that we all think about when choosing the best ground termite treatment for our homes. Cost is always a huge factor for many of us.

Rodent Control

Rodent Control

Whether through direct or indirect contact, rodents have the ability to spread a number of diseases. Mice and rats also carry fleas, mites, lice and disease.

Road Safety

Road Safety

So far, Sept of 2018 there have been 25 pedestrians have died on Hawaii’s roads, and even more hurt. We all need to exercise safe driving and safe walking.

Bed Bugs Are In Hawaii

Bed Bugs Are In Hawaii

Bed bugs hitchhike on anything they can cling to – clothes, furniture, suitcases, whatever – until they eventually end up in, on, or around a bed.

The Destructive Termite

The Destructive Termite

There are seven species of immigrant termites living in Hawaii. The two worst are the West Indian Drywood Termite and the Formosan Subterranean Termite.

American Cockroach In Hawaii

American Cockroach In Hawaii

The American cockroach is one of the three main cockroach species in Hawaii. You know the one I mean: The biggest of the cockroaches on our islands!

Centipede Bite

Centipede Bite

Centipedes are almost as common as roaches, geckos, and even the infamous chicken here on Kauai. In fact, centipedes are carnivorous – they eat meat!